– from lambs to honey bees – farming and the environment – wellie boots and tractors.

A Dartmoor Farmer’s Day | Early October

On The Farm | Tor Royal Farm | A Dartmoor Hill Farm

It’s now early October. Each day we check on all our animals to make sure they’re safe and fed.

There are lambs to be fed and checked.

We counted the rams to check they were all there and looking healthy. It will soon be tupping time when the rams to go to work so we’re keeping a special eye on them at the moment.

Next we brought some bullocks into the yard, ready to be collected and sent off to market.

After lunch we moved some sheep out on to the moor and then back on the farm it was time to prepare a barn for some smaller lambs. We wanted to shear them the next day, but rain was forecast overnight, so it we kept them inside the barn to stay dry.

And finally some footage from Exeter market where our bullocks sold really well.

On The Farm | Tor Royal Farm | A Dartmoor Hill Farm
