– from lambs to honey bees – farming and the environment – wellie boots and tractors.

Gathering sheep from the moor

On The Farm | Tor Royal Farm | A Dartmoor Hill Farm

Tor Royal sheep spend most of their lives living free on Dartmoor. They are leered to an area near the farm so the farmer always knows where to find them. Each year the new lambs are taught by their mother ewes the boundaries of where they live. At certain times of the year it is important for us to bring the sheep to the farm where they can be checked over, counted, and given any care they need.

In the summertime the weather gets warmer – even high up on Dartmoor! But this is a problem because the sheep get too hot in their thick woolly fleeces. Sheep have been bred over centuries to grow lots of beautiful thick wool, but it’s important that farmers cut off the wool and make the sheep feel comfortable. So the sheep are gathered off the moor for shearing.

Shepherds have been using sheepdogs to help round up sheep for thousands of years. And we still do the same here at Tor Royal. It takes years for a dog to become a fully trained sheepdog, but once they do, they are a very great help for farmers. As well as being great friends!

Watch our next video to learn more about Shearing: https://youtu.be/3BgyETHaHek

On The Farm | Tor Royal Farm | A Dartmoor Hill Farm
