Honey Bees

At Tor Royal Farm we have several beehives dotted around in different locations. Bees are important pollinators and the diversity of plants on our land provides an abundance of nectar and pollen for the bees to forage.

Honey is collected from the hives during the summer months. We have a range of different beehive designs. Using the Warre hive allows us to practice natural chemical free beekeeping with minimal disturbance to the colony and hive windows mean we can see how the bees make comb and honey as they would in their natural habitat e.g., a hollow tree

Our portable observation hive can be used to demonstrate commercial beekeeping methods.

Weather conditions permitting, getting closer to the bees allows visitors to watch them bringing nectar and pollen to the hive. (Protective clothing is provided) which shows a more commercial way of how we keep bees.

When the weather is suitable, we can provide protective clothing enabling visitors to get closer and watch the bees flying – bringing in nectar and pollan.

A very important part of nature is the pollination of plants and trees – although there are lots of pollinators, they all are adapted to feed from and subsequently pollinate different types of flowers.

We have a few colonies of Honeybees on the farm in different locations, they provide us with some honey on good years and make us aware of the changing seasons.

Along with what is usually recognised as a ‘normal’ hive which you see in a lot of picture books, we have a Warre hive which has windows so you can see how a bee makes his comb and honey as near as we can get to the wild. 

Super frame 

Beehive frames 

Tor Royal Honey